NVU-Demonstration am 1.ten Oktober
„Nicht mehr Einwanderer! Stopp den multikulturellen Terror!“
Gestern wurde von der Seite des Parteivorstandes bekannt gegeben, die nächste Demonstration der Niederländische Volks-Union soll in Helmond abgehalten werden. In dieser im Süden der Niederlande gelagerten Stadt, zwischen Eindhoven und Venlo, gibt es schon seit Monaten Probleme mit der ausländischen Jugend, insbesondere Jugendliche aus Marokko seien überaus mit kriminellen Tätigkeiten beschäftigt, wie Bedrohungen, Diebstahl, und Einbruch. Weiterhin hat die Stadt Helmond mit umfangreichem Drogenhandel zu tun, der Bürgermeister wurde vor einigen Monaten sogar von führenden regionalen Drogenhändlern derart bedroht, daß er eine Zeitlang aus der Öffentlichkeit zurück zu treten für notwendig hielt. Das Viertel „Innenstadt-Ost“ wurde wegen der zahlreichen verübten Rechtswidrigkeiten weitaus über die helmonder Stadtesgrenzen bekannt.
The true about Bandeira de Combate!
“Nationalist” groups in non-European countries
Nationalist or patriots in South America are, in our opinion, a bit contradictory.
Nationalist and NS groups seem to have many interests in common. However, the problem appears when the racial issue comes into play; then, both “groups” clash; first of all, they want national matters to prevail over foreign matters (for example, they encourage purchasing national products instead of imported products)…but, who are these foreigners? The same people who brought civilization and gave an structure to these countries that, today exist as nations, fatherlands or countries because of them.
Nationalists or patriots in South America also use to say that foreigners have destroyed their culture….
What culture are they referring to? A culture developed by European immigrants, Asians, Orientals and even Africans throughout approximately 600 years of history.
Is it impossible to fight for the survival of our race in mixed countries?
The truth is that is a very difficult task because the Masonry and the devastating Capitalism that govern the Americas have such a strong dominion on society that even the healthiest individuals are fooled into believing that races do not exist, that the differences among peoples are the result of geographical and weather conditions.
We find it unusual that nationalist groups in the Americas attack foreigners, what kind of people are they? Indigenous? Aborigins?!?
The truth is that most of them are mongrels and therefore it is even logical that they defend the multicultural and multiracial society they live in because, otherwise, they would have to "clean" much in order to civilize their country and many of them would even have to emigrate to Africa for the society's sake.
The problem is that Nationalists only defend national aspects and not racial aspects. In European countries, this makes perfect sense because, by defending national matters you are defending racial and ethnic matters at the same time, but what happens in America?
We must support anti-Zionist movements (not only skinhead movements) worldwide as long as they do not pose a threat to our own people.
In Brazil, there is a generalizad confusion as regards organizations and mainly about skinheads. True European origin skinheads always put race above anything else; some groups even supported the idea of separating European-origin states from states mainly inhabited by aborigin and African-origin population (in these states, there is much more violence, unemployment, drugs, rapes, etc.)
As regards the band BANDEIRA DE COMBATE, some of its members are mongrels. Just take a look at the attached photos and you will see. This is not just slandering without grounds.
They are part of the Brazilian "nationalist" group (not pro-White), they consider themselves anti—Communists, but they defend the mixed identity of the Brazilian people.
They even played with bands like Endstufe and Kill Baby Kill and they are supposed to play with Bully Boys and other international old-school bands. However, in view of the facts of the racial identity of some of the BDC members, we do not understand why bands like ENGLISH ROSE or ENDSTUFE support them. Even Kill Baby Kill recorded a split cd with BDC.
In front of most Brazilian people, they call themselves Brazilian nationalists, they play with these two senses; when it is most convenient for them, they are anti-Zionist and for SHARPS, they are anti-racist, and this is how they make “friends” on both sides.
They have been playing since the end of the 80’s. They are from Bahia (North-east of Brazil, a region mainly populated by blacks and mongrels). It is also a well-known and interesting tourist destination for some European people.
There have been changes in their line-up, especially after moving to SAO PAULO (as hundreds of non-Whites do everyday (we are not exaggerating).
Recently, they were supposed to play in a gig in Germany but they were excluded from it when the organizers found out that Bandeira de Combate is not an NS or White Power band.
Now they are planning to play for VENETO FRONTE SKINHEAD in Italy, but this is not compatible with our WPWW ideology, most of them are mongrels and they have direct contact with the organization CARECAS DO BRASIL (Brazilian Skinheads).
This group states:
- We are Carecas do Brasil, we are nationalist, we are proud of our origins (which ones?), our land, our fatherland and our people (?!?!?!) but we do not underestimate or discriminate against other peoples or ethnic groups. We do not accept RACISTS in our movement.
We think that, by support an organization like CARECAS DO BRASIL, they are supporting SHARPS as well (even if they do not like being called like that) and, after all, they are openly against the interest of the survival of our race.
The CARECAS DO BRASIL movement has always fought against European identity: NS groups are not to be confused with CARECAS or SKINHEADS from Brazil.
BANDEIRA DE COMBATE and FIST OF STEEL are just Brazilian nationalist groups (anti-racists) so it is hard for us to understand how they can be considered NS bands around the whole White world.
It is true that, being nationalist, they could have many common enemies, but because of their ignorance, those bands continuously use the Brazilian flag (flag of Masonic origin completely deciphred and revealed by the Brazilian patriot Gustavo Barroso in the 19th century).
In Brazil, there were always organizations that defended our ideals, I do not understand why Americans and some Europeans support bands like FIST OF STEEL or BANDEIRA DE COMBATE, who are nothing but mongrel rockers desguised as skinheads.
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